The municipal recycling utility is established pursuant to K.S.A. 65-3410, which shall constitute a separate department of the Public Works Department, for the purpose of accepting, processing and marketing recyclable materials.
The City Manager is authorized and directed to acquire all necessary land and buildings, purchase all necessary equipment, employ all necessary personnel, and do all other acts necessary or advisable to establish, maintain and operate a material recycling and processing facility and a compost plant.
In order to provide the funds necessary for the maintenance and operation of the municipal recycling utility there is here by established a fee for each residential and business connection to the municipal water system of the City of Abilene, Kansas. The fee shall be as prescribed in section 1-310. All moneys derived from said fee shall be placed in a separate fund and shall be used exclusively for the purpose of the municipal recycling utility.
(Ord. 3322; Ord. 3425)