The department of administration shall have general control of the administrative affairs of the city. It shall consist of the City Manager, Human Resource Director/City Clerk, Finance Director/Treasurer, Deputy Finance Director, Deputy City Clerk, Community Development Director, City Inspector and Administrative Assistants.

The City Clerk and City Treasurer/Finance Director shall not knowingly pay any order, warrant, check or other evidence of indebtedness out of the treasury of the city in excess of the amount of funds actually on hand in the treasury at the time for such purpose, unless otherwise provided in the “Cash Basis Act,” Article 11, Chapter 10, Kansas Statutes Annotated and amendments thereto.

No claim, warrant or certificate of indebtedness in any form shall be allowed, issued, approved, attested, registered or paid for any other purpose than that for which the levy is made, and no part of any fund shall be diverted in any manner, whether before or after the distribution of taxes by the County Treasurer, to any other purpose than that for which the levy was made except as provided by law.